Friday, May 29, 2020

From Private Equity to Social Investing

From Private Equity to Social Investing Success Story > From: Job To: Job From Private Equity to Social Investing “I've gone from working in a role that was removed from what I care most about, to a job that I would still do even if I won the lottery.” * From Private Equity to Social Investing Ever feel like you're being pulled in two opposite directions? Mireya Alvarez knew she needed to combine her passions for finance and helping others, but she was scared of losing the salary and lifestyle that came with a corporate career. Find out which side won the tug of war. What work were you doing previously? I worked for a Global Private Equity real estate fund as part of their acquisitions team, based in Mexico City. What are you doing now? I'm an investment officer for a social investing fund in the UK. Why did you change? Working in the private equity real estate sector was not fulfilling enough for me. I felt I needed to find a bit more alignment between my personal interests, motivations, and my day-to-day job. I realised that there were organisations and groups of people who could benefit from my skills. I wanted to use my training and experience for social good. When was the moment you decided to make the change? While still working in private equity in Mexico City, I was also supporting a charity that provided help to people in impoverished and excluded indigenous communities in Mexico. I realised that what they needed was not just clothes and food but longer-term, sustainable solutions: access to finance, jobs, healthcare, etc. Charity was not enough â€" and it didn't seem to incentivise the right behaviours! I'd heard about social investment in the UK and how it was developing faster than in any other countries. It just hit me that it was exactly what I wanted to be doing â€" combining my two passions of finance / investments and helping those most in need. Are you happy with the change? Absolutely! The work I do now is more aligned with what matters most to me in life. I've gone from working in a role that was removed from what I care most about, to a job that I would still do even if I won the lottery. Helping people live full and happy lives (particularly those who are most disadvantaged) makes me very happy. Working in something that is closely connected to helping people achieve positive and sustainable long-term outcomes is the best thing that could happen to me. What do you miss and what don't you miss? I don't miss the longer working hours! I do miss the great team of people that I worked with, although I'm also working with a great and talented team now. How did you go about making the shift? I applied to an MBA at London Business School. During those two years, I learned as much as I could about social investing in the UK and globally. After I completed my MBA, I came across an organisation called On Purpose, which turned out to be exactly what I needed to get a better understanding of the UK social enterprise space, more practical experience in the field and a wider network. The programme, including the great experience I had working for Big Society Capital and Shakespeare Schools Festival as part of On Purpose, gave me the opportunity to learn from highly motivated people that care about social change. How did you handle your finances to make your change possible? I applied for scholarships and loans, which I'm currently paying back. I also changed my lifestyle a great deal. I used to spend a lot of money on clothes and things; now I hate having too much stuff! What was the most difficult thing about changing? It is hard to do a 'double jump' (sector and country). I had to learn many new things, from the ins and outs of working in a new country, to all the subtleties of working in a different sector (which in itself has loads of subsectors). But probably the most difficult thing was letting go of doubts around losing the job, salary and status that I had before. What help did you get? I had loads of help all along the way, from the people that I used to work with and other mentors in Mexico, to a lot of my friends and teachers at business school. And I can't emphasise enough how supported I felt while at On Purpose â€" both by the team and my colleagues. What didn't go well? What 'wrong turns' did you take? While doing the MBA, peer pressure made me lose focus for a period of time. I decided to apply for internships in other areas and industries that sounded glamorous or exciting, and they weren't truly aligned with my purpose. But, then again, I learned from my mistakes. Sometimes it's only by doing what you're not supposed to do that you realise how badly you don't want it! I was working really hard to achieve my goals in life, which was great, but I had to learn to watch out for the point where I slowly started to pay less attention to my loved ones, and even to myself. I used to regularly visit my grandparents before I decided to prepare for the MBA and move to London. While studying, I reduced the time I spent with them; I even stopped exercising and sleeping enough. Spending time with my grandparents, who are no longer with me today, is something I wish I hadn't traded just for that extra two hours of study time every week. What have you learnt in the process? I've learned innumerable lessons, but the most important ones were to believe more in myself, and to be persistent in pursuing my dream career. I've also learned not to get confused by what others think, say or do. At the end of the day, it all comes back to me and my happiness. A lot of your life happens during work hours, so it's worth investing that time and effort to find what you're really passionate about. What do you wish you'd done differently? Nothing â€" I think I've learned as much from my mistakes as from my successes, if not more. What would you advise others to do in the same situation? Be ambitious and don't be afraid to speak with people. People in this sector are very open and willing to share their experiences and time with anyone who is interested. We definitely need more talented, socially motivated people. What resources would you recommend to others? If you want to transition into the social space, consider On Purpose! Applications are closing soon for the On Purpose Associate October 2015 cohort. To find out more and apply, visit What lessons could you take from Mireya's story to use in your own career change? Let us know in the comments below.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Find Volunteers and Volunteering Roles on LinkedIn

How to Find Volunteers and Volunteering Roles on LinkedIn What do 140,000 marketers, 4,000 Googlers, and 170,000 C-level executives have in common? Answer: Theyre all up for some volunteering according to their LinkedIn profiles. In fact, no less than  4+ million professionals like them have expressed interest in joining a nonprofit board or doing skills-based volunteering â€" or both. LinkedIn members who want to user their skills for good: Out of the 4+ million members who want to use their skills for good, three quarters want to serve as volunteers. Younger workers (72%) in particular are looking for ways to give back, Generation X and mid-career professionals represent 21% and baby boomers and senior leaders 21%. 38% of aspiring volunteers are in the U.S., but the UK and India are rapidly growing. The top location within the United States is Bloomington, Indiana. Members who want to give back come from a range of industries and job functions; many are in IT, marketing, consulting and product management. The top skills these would-be volunteers have include management, customer service, leadership, project management and strategic planning. How do you find volunteering opportunities? As a professional, you can signal you want to use your skills for good on your LinkedIn profile by checking the boxes for “Joining a nonprofit board” and/or “Skills-based volunteering” in the Volunteer Experience Causes section. If you’ve already done that, try searching for volunteer opportunities in your area. More on how to fill in your LinkedIn profile here. How do you find  volunteers? For charities and nonprofit organisations, LinkedIn have  made it quick and easy to find professionals who are eager to help. Use the  free Advanced Search tool to find these talented needles in the haystack.  Advanced Search is a true hidden gem for nonprofits to find the volunteers, board members, and even possible donors and employees they need to change the world. An overview of this powerful and free tool is below. RELATED: Why Every Jobseeker and New Grad Should Volunteer [6 Reasons]

Friday, May 22, 2020

What do Perception, Motivation and Grit have in Common - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

What do Perception, Motivation and Grit have in Common - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Have you heard the story about the two shoe sales reps? Their story highlights a few commonalities between Perception, Motivation and Grit. It’s a simple tale with an interesting twist. Here it is: Two shoe sales reps are hired and given a new territory. There new territory is somewhere in the jungles of South America. Both reps are excited to get started in their new roles. They learn everything they can about the product lines. They take the time to understand the pricing, shipping and sizing options. They hop on a plane and fly to their new territory. After they land in-country they hop off the plane and look around. After a few minutes they head back into the airport terminal and find a pay phone. The first rep makes a call back to the factory and tells them: Dont send anything. No one here wears shoes. The other rep also called back to the factory and said: Send everything weve got! No one here wears shoes!! Notice anything different? Both sales reps took the same flight. Both sales reps are selling the same thing. Both sales reps saw the same thing. Or did they? Perception, motivation and grit can influence they way people interpret what they see. Lets explore that. Perception Both saw the exact same thing. Each took away their own perception. Which one was right? Can they both be right? Perception is Reality There is an old saying that says Perception is Reality and it is quite true. Each sales rep took their own preconceived notions into the situation. Each had their own biases and their own lenses and filters with which to look at the situation. Which one had the “right” perception? What can change perception? Motivation One thing that can change perceptions are the underlying motivations that drive each persons behavior and willingness to interpret a situation. There are tomes written on bias. This post is not intended to go into details on bias. Rather it is to explore the inter-operation of perception, motivation and grit. And the impact each has on all of us. What ultimately drove the sales reps behavior? Clearly its driven by their motivation. Its not possible to tell from this simple story whether each sales rep is properly motivated. But, its fairly clear that one of the reps is not very motivated to continue exploring the possibilities of selling shoes into this market. Motivation is directly tied to your perception and its also tied to grit. This is where grit plays a role. The ability to make an observation, apply your perceptions, and evaluate your motivations will be impacted by your grit. Grit This has been somewhat of a buzzword for the last few years. There are a lot of different ways to interpret what this means. Your definition is probably a little bit different than mine. My definition of grit is simple: Even though the times get tough they stick to it. They are determined to see it through. Or, as noted below, they are determined to see something through to the end. This does not necessarily mean they stick to it no matter what. Conditions change, situations evolve, and alternate solutions present themselves. If you want to read more about Grit take a look at Microsoft Alumni Integral Fellow Paul Shoemakers book Cant Not Do Grit is something that is both a nature and nurture trait. It can be developed, but there needs to be a seed of it in the person for it to really grow and develop, Which sales rep are you? There is no wrong answer here. Different situations call for different behaviors. Some people are always up for a challenge. The harder the better! Others are more pragmatic. They look at the situation, they look at the solutions, they look at what could be. Then theyll make a decision on how (or if) they want to act. Those that can align and tame  their Perception, Motivation and Grit will stand out in their careers. But, for you … right here and right now … Which sales rep are you? What do you call back to the factory and say?

Monday, May 18, 2020

How a Great Opt-In Strategy Can Grow Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How a Great Opt-In Strategy Can Grow Your Personal Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career When it comes to building a personal brand you want to attract as many subscribers as possible. While email marketing is very effective in this process it’s also important to include an attractive opt-in box or page on your website. In order to effectively harness the power of this lead generating tool, it is important to present your offer the right way. How can brands attract leads who will want to know more about what they have to offer? By grabbing their attention right away with a tantalizing offer. When you focus on giving them something of value rather than just capturing names and emails your brand can receive a much better response rate. Through an understanding of the needs of your target audience and customers you can create a simple and effective opt-in. When people know that your website is about them they will naturally be more inclined to provide you with their information. Creating a Powerful Opt-In Offer A simple lead capturing system is not enough to draw subscribers in. Here are some ways your brand can garner their attention: • Have a clear message After determining the main focus of your offer your brand can create an opt-in box or page that quickly shows the reader how you can solve their problems. By keeping this simple with great graphics and content that is simple yet clear you won’t lose their attention, which means they will be more likely to respond. • Make it valuable to them People will not sign up if your brand’s message appears spammy or does not provide a useful offer. If you can give away something like a free eBook or report not offered anywhere else then that can go a lot farther than something they can find on other websites in your niche. • Create a personalized thank-you page After you have a new subscriber from a good opt-in the next step is to show them the human side of your brand. A customized thank-you page is one of the best ways to accomplish this, and can also help provide more valuable resources for them to use. The purpose of an opt-in for your personal brand is to attract subscribers who can be converted into sales. As you nurture these leads you can attract more interested prospects through word of mouth as well as return customers.

Friday, May 15, 2020

10 Easy Ways to Earn Money Freelancing

10 Easy Ways to Earn Money Freelancing 10 Simple and Easy Way to Make Money Freelancing If you ask most people they would say that they hate their work. At least, they hate their jobs. But we don’t really hate work, do we?It’s how we make money, how we can afford the newest car, a house of our own, how we support our children and pets. And we all have dreams, and we have passions â€" when we imagine doing that to make money, we don’t hate it. So, what’s the difference?evalThe difference is freedom. When you work for someone else… well, you work for someone. You are given a specific task and told to do this task every day, five days a week, and sometimes, on weekends if a company or team goals need to be met. When you work for yourself, there is none of that. You work when you want, doing what you want.Freelance opportunities are the greatest way to be financially free and mentally whole.10 Simple and Easy Way to Make Money FreelancingHere are some freelance opportunities that you can do with the skillset you have now, or a skillset you could learn rather quick ly, with the right drive and action plan.1) Website DesignIt used to take time, it used to take coding ability, and it used to take developers. If you wanted to create a website, you needed to hire a developer to do so. However these days, you can build a website for free just by signing up for a service. Pay a small amount of money monthly, and you can utilize the full services that the free platform doesn’t offer. Software platforms like WordPress have revolutionized the webspace, allowing Suzy Q, who wants to start a food blog, to do so for free, and create a website she can market to her potential audience.The steps to create your own freelance website design is simple.First, start creating websites. Utilize multiple themes, add different features like scrollable photos or submission forms. You have to build a portfolio. Next, create your own website. Make sure you highlight the projects/websites you’ve designed You can easily make $500 â€" $1500 a project Copy Writing is th e most lucrative freelance writing gigs. However, there are also song or movie reviews, research projects, technical writing jobs, and even tag lines for humorous product lines. The space is vast, and though there is lots of competition, it’s one of the easiest freelance jobs to get into, for the simple fact that you can market yourself. Just, start a blog. Show that you can write, and write about what interests you because that’s the best way to create good content.You may start small â€" writing penny articles for freelance writing boards, or $20 one-off jobs for a writing product or song reviews.However, you can make hundreds of dollars a month sitting in front of the television, watching Netflix, with a laptop on your lap. It’s very simple to start, and if you enjoy it, like anything in life, you will be motivated to succeed, and you will thrive.3) Code for HireHave you heard of Affiliate marketing or Re-marketing? What it is, are technology companies like CJ Affiliate or Google, who create spaces where someone with a website can host online advertising ads, sot hat companies like Nike or Gap can reach an extended audience of consumers on the web.You can build a website yourself, use a service like CJ Affiliate to gain partnerships with online retailers, and host their product links.When a user clicks and eventually purchases a product on the retailer’s website, you make a percentage of the purchase. If you have coding ability of any kind, it’s very easy to build your own website that can host or promote affiliate products.However, what some forget to realize, are that within these online marketing spaces, the retailers themselves may need help too. To be able to work with these third-party marketing companies, they must integrate their technology Many of these companies use Tag managers, which is a software that allows them to host multiple code sources in one place. This also provides a layer between the actual website content on their live web site, and what the users of the tag manager are doing inside the platform.You will have ample opportunity to freelance this way because the retailer has complete control over what they or you push to their website, and it is easily removable if ever problems occur.Additionally, if you do a good job, you can gain a partnership with the retailer for future coding work, creating a steady income. You can find yourself making $2000 a month, minimum.4) Winter WorkIt may not be pretty, it may not be brag-worthy, and of course, it may be tiresome, but finding snow removal work is one of the easiest ways to make money in the winter.All you really need is a shovel or a snowblower. It’s easy to overcharge customers because no one likes shoveling snow. It’s also very easy to market your services with a flyer under the door, or a walk down a neighborhood during a snowstorm. Now with Venmo or the Cash App on almost everyone’s phone, you don’t need to target customers with cash, either.eva lSure, it will be cold, and you will be tired, but you can pick up a shovel, walk out your door, and charge members in the surrounding neighborhood $20-$40 per home. You will find people will be more than happy to pay you for your service. Now, let’s pause and do the math: charging $25 per home, doing 10 homes per storm, equals $250. That’s also tax-free.Another option â€" do you have a truck? Some companies seek out owners of trucks to work for their plow services during the wintertime. You may have to purchase your own plow (one downfall) but you could make between $15-$30/hr, per storm. That’s a nice chunk of change.5) Personal TrainingBecoming a personal trainer does include an upfront cost, as it requires a certification to be legitimized. â€" anywhere from $400-$600 for basic certification, upwards of $2000 for a master certification.However, the returns are grand â€" the average personal trainer can charge either an hourly rate if partnered with a gym or fitness center ($40-$70 per hour), or, a flat personal training fee to individuals or groups who wish to take a class, specialized for a particular fitness regiment (think “Perfect Body” or “Get a Six-pack” class).It’s a simple fact â€" the money is there. It is also very easy to service to self-market and to expand â€" you can create youtube videos, personalized plans for members, and start to build a cult-like following of people who want to better their health or body image.6) Start a YouTube ChannelThe top-paid members of YouTube make millions of dollars. Yes, that’s right, millions. Will you make a million dollars? Maybe, or maybe not. Regardless, the platform is built for uniqueness and niches.Do you find different types of salt interesting? Vlog about it. Add recipes for your users. Heck, write a top ten list of your favorite salts to use on steak. It’s really that simple.There are millions of people in the world and many of them think like you, have interests like you, and lo ok for content like the content you want to create. YouTube provides you the ability to find them.The concept of YouTube is pretty simple, like with any social media platformâ€" get hits, get likes, get followers, and once you reach a specific traffic volume, advertisers and even YouTube themselves will seek you out and bring you into their cash-driven landscape.even if you don’t want to be on camera, creating topical or niche based voice over videos that you make with one of the hundreds of editing software out there â€" you can connect with a specific audience of users around the globe, and get paid for doing it.7) Graphic DesignIf you want to be an artist, like art, or just enjoy creating, then, become a Graphic designer. “But, I didn’t go to school for that..” you say. My retort is â€" it’s 2020. Technology online has replaced formal education.Photo Credit â€" fakecrow.comThere are hundreds of services, platforms, and software available to use. You can get Adobe Photos hop for $10. That’s a small price to pay, especially when you can charge customers $100-$300 (on the low end) for a finished product! Like with writing or freelance website design, it’s very easy to build a portfolio yourself. Come up with a project, execute the idea, and then feature it on social media, the profile of one of the freelance marketplaces online (like UpWork or CreateSpace), or hosted on your personal website.Like with every freelance job, you make money based on the number of successful projects you take and complete. Start slowly, charge a low price point to undercut more experienced designers, and slowly build clientele and your personal portfolio.8) ConsultingMany small businesses require help when they start â€" they need help with marketing, creating a website, creating engaging content, or even managing departments and ordering specifics.If you have knowledge of how a small business works because you’ve started one before, or worked in a start-up space in which your job responsibilities included you wearing many hats, don’t keep the things you’ve learned, and even the things you learned from, to yourself. Share them.Consulting fees can be as high as $2500, and that’s even when you begin marketing yourself as a consultant. Small businesses will happily pay $2500 one time, then hire someone for $15/hr, paying them bi-weekly, especially when they aren’t sure of the full cost of their business yet, or how lucrative or slowly building it will be. Use the expertise you have, and show potential clients what you can do for them.It’s important to know that in this freelance space, sales will be your main focus. You need to accurately sell yourself and what you can do. If you do a poor job, you lose a client, and you also lose future clients that that client may have introduced you too. Do not try to con the small business or oversell yourself to get the consult.Present yourself accurately and truly, outline what you can do for them, and above all else, make them know you understand the client’s business and want to help, not just take their money.9) Social Media MarketingSocial media is not going away. If you are a good looking male or female, you can make money self-modeling on Instagram.If you like to work out and show off your muscles, post pictures or photos of yourself on IG. Do you look good in a bathing suit? Post pictures or videos of yourself on IG. I’m not trying to be offensive either â€" if you are a good looking human being, you can make money on social media platforms doing this.Fashion icons and role models are no longer in magazines and television. They are on our phones, in our apps. There is a multitude of stories and facts supporting those stories that you can make six-figures simply being an Instagram model, or “influencer”, as most of their profiles read.Sure, it’s vain, but it’s in right now, and it makes money. You can create a following, create a brand, and create additional income streams to that audience, build partnerships with sponsors, travel the world, meet interesting people. When you think of freedom, it’s maybe the freest and equally lucrative freelance opportunities.10) Dog WalkerAgain, not the most glorious of jobs, and not something you put on a professional resume, but you are here because you don’t want a professional resume, you want financial and mental freedom, so listen up. Dog walking is a legitimate way to make $3000 per month.Those less fortunate than you need to wake up early and go to their corporate jobs. They have pets because everyone likes pets, and those pets need love and care. They need to eat, they need to run, they need to get away from the shoes they like to chew and the rugs they like to do their business on when their owners are not home.You can benefit from an animal’s need to exercise and go to the bathroom â€" because that’s really all it boils down to. For 20 â€" 30 minutes of work, you make $20-$30. Not e xactly a great return at $1 a minute. But, when you start to add homes with multiple dogs, or multiple homes in general â€" your money multiplies. For a couple of hours of work, you can make $100+ in the day.Final ThoughtsIf you are looking for freelance opportunities, think simple, not complicated.Making money is easy, you just need to put in the work. There are ample opportunities to create financial freedom for yourself and do something that you enjoy, and are good at.Don’t underestimate the power of freelancing on your physical and mental health. An added bonus â€" you’ll learn more about sales and marketing and running a business than you would be working for another company. You’ll do it first hand.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace

Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace North Americans have adopted meditation and mindfulness because it can improve work performance, personal relationships, and health. In an average 9-to-5 work day, just 5 minutes of deep breathing, reflection, and tension release can work to decrease stress levels and increase overall productivity. The implementation of a daily practice has helped many working adults, says Yunha Kim, Founder and CEO of Simple Habit. After discovering the benefits of mindfulness, Kim created an app for working people to listen to on-the-go 5-minute meditations. Even just one week of brief daily mindfulness meditation practice has been found to produce significant benefits. She openly shared her benefits and recommendations with me via e-mail: Improved Focus. Get Distracted Less. Practicing mindfulness and meditation has been shown repeatedly to improve our ability to sustain attention and decrease external and internal distractions. Researchers from Harvard Medical School found that a meditation program led to changes in brain regions involving learning and working memory capacity. This is important as working memory is crucial for reasoning and guiding our decisions and behavior, especially in the work-place. In fact, those who worked in high-stress work environments and practiced meditation could stay on a task longer, managed their time better, and received positive feedback after a task performance. Improved Creativity. Think Outside the Box. Mindfulness meditation practice can lead to improvements in problem-solving creative solutions as well as promote divergent thinking. Research done at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands has found a link between mindfulness and creativity including increased insight problem-solving and reduced cognitive rigidity. The more a person continues to practice mindfulness meditation regularly, the more open they are to bold and creative ideas. Improve Your Mood. The consistent practice of mindfulness meditation can also have a notable beneficial impact on our overall mood, including reducing severe depression and anxiety. A study from Boston University has shown that mindfulness and meditation-based programs lead to significant reductions in clinical levels of anxiety and depression across a range of conditions and an increase in patience and positivity. A daily practice can help to carry this optimism into the workplace and boost satisfaction. Meditation = Stress Less. Stress has been linked to a wide range of medical problems, including hypertension, heart disease, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. A study done at Stanford University School of Medicine shows that those who practice mindfulness meditation display a reduction in stress-related symptoms, and report increases in their sense of control in their lives. For instance, mindfulness meditation can produce a 30% reduction in symptoms of stress among those with a serious illness. Strengthen Your Personal and Professional Relationships. Learning to be more mindful has a positive impact on yourself and those around you. Increased mindfulness leads to significant improvements in work relationships and friendships, due to communication and expression of emotions. After becoming more emotionally intelligent through meditation, relationships become easier and natural. In fact, people who meditate tend to show more acceptance towards each other and can create more welcoming and holistic work environments. Join Dana Manciagli’s Job Search Master Class now and get the most comprehensive job search system available!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Tips On Getting Professional Resume Writing Services In Portland Maine

Tips On Getting Professional Resume Writing Services In Portland MaineFor many people, they seek professional resume writing services in Portland Mainland. Because of the positive effects that resume writing services can have on their career, it is not difficult to understand why these professionals are such a hot commodity. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you contact a professional resume writer.Resume writing services can be very effective if you do not hire them to write your resume only. There are many other options when it comes to creating and marketing a job search strategy. Some of these include networking with alumni, asking your colleagues for referrals, and contacting organizations that offer seminars and workshops that would be ideal for job seekers. These are not only informal but will also enable you to tap into the knowledge and experience of a number of experts. It is best to start building a network to generate referrals to get the best professional resume writing services in Portland Mainland.Additionally, having an opportunity to develop and express your own personal touch can prove to be very helpful. Using a resume writing service does not necessarily mean that you will have your personal information included in the document. The service will review the document with you and provide you with suggestions. Therefore, if you do not feel comfortable using your own personal information, you can contact the service.When you approach a resume writing services in Portland Maine, make sure that you ask about different types of materials they can create. You should have access to different formats such as Microsoft Word and other word processing programs. There is also the ability to customize documents according to your specifications and to choose the fonts, colors, font sizes, and spacing.In order to generate a resume that is more professional, professional resume writing services in Portland Maine should also have a n online presence. This means that you can easily get in touch with them and request samples of resumes they have created. In addition, you will be able to obtain information regarding pricing, delivery times, and whether or not your information will be provided by automated software.Resume writing services can also provide you with samples of essays that have been written for you. These can be useful to give you an idea of what type of essays you should be submitting to different companies. It is also important to note that these can be used in lieu of formal essays as well.When seeking professional resume writing services in Portland Maine, make sure that you choose a service that offers free consultation. This means that you can get in touch with them anytime. Asking questions can help you determine which resume writing services in Portland Maine meet your needs.At any time, you can also get in touch with the service and ask about the services they can offer you in terms of diffe rent kinds of documents that can be created. Most services also offer consultation with the company's staff so that you will know the kind of documents they can create for you.